Sunday, December 9, 2007

Analog vs. Digital World

Analogy of life is always continous that if u got a deep look into the life, u ll see a continous time line...
So Analog world simulates all the natural quantities
but Digital world simulates the nature by taking samples of these natural quantities
take the sound as an example ... the sound in stereo cassettes is formed by electromagnetic waves which is continous waves "analog" while the sound in computer is digital as it got samples from this continous wave in discrete fashion such as 128kbps -kilo bits per second- this does mean every second in the wave time line has 128 discrte sample in digital sound format..
so we should say the more samples u have, the more quality the nature quantity is.
to be redited.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Google hidden great resources!!! is the largest interactive resource for internet users in the world... it is not just an ordinary search engine but the easiest way to iinteract with current technologies in all domains to find what you are looking for in a 3d way... u can say Google apply the concept of virtual reality...
just try the following services:

surely you ll find sth you require... they are simulating what our minds need...

I like google, Do you??

Monday, December 3, 2007

What does TECHNOLOGY mean?!!

What do u think abt technology??
I want to have a self-discussion abt technology and having a general detailed-look with a mix of high and low levels of abstractions... -these variations depend on our need datailing-.
Technology is taking the benefit of the applications for the technical and scientific knowledge to help problems solving or to make life better.

  • when u hear the term TECHNOLOGY, what goes in ur mind??
is it just abt
Computers... PC or Mac...
HW... HDs, RAMs, microprocessors...
DigitalDesign FPGAs, microcontrollers...
ProgrammingLanguages... C, VB, Java...
WebDevelopment... ASP, PHP, HTML, CSS...
OperatingSystems... Windows, Linux, OS/2...
ArtificialIntelligence... Image processing, Neural networks, FuzzyLogic...
Insturmentation, Automation...
Control, Embbeded, Distribted systems...
cellular phones, consumer electronics...
our lives become slavey for technology... we cant live without technology... it is a human-made... it is not like water eventhough we cant survive without technology exsistance.
could u ask urself what would happen if all of these vanish???