Friday, February 22, 2008


Nanotechnology is the ability to develop and control at the molecular level.
Within the near future, machines will get increasingly smaller; so small that thousands of these tiny machines would fit into the period at the end of this sentence. Within a few decades, we will use these nanomachines to manufacture consumer goods at the molecular level, piecing together one atom or molecule at a time to make baseballs, telephones and cars. This is the goal of nanotechnology. As televisions, airplanes and computers revolutionized the world in the last century, scientists claim that nanotechnology will have an even more profound effect on the next century.
Nanotechnology is an umbrella term that covers many areas of research dealing with objects that are measured in nanometers. A nanometer (nm) is a billionth of a meter, or a millionth of a millimeter.

would you be a Nanotechnology initiative?!!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Levels of Abstraction

It is obvious to say that what we have reached in nowadays current technologies is MYSTERIOUS to most of people. as we do not detailed information about sth specific i.e the display screen " It is just a glass with metal cover and some electronics inside"; The human knowledge dpenends in knowledgable teamworks generally; the more you spread the info, the more ideas and innovativity you can get.
Back to our topic, the less details means the higher level of abstraction, and the opposite is absolutely right. For example, majority of computer programers are using OOP wich hides low level code, store in a module, and finally show it as standard template or object, therfore those programmers do not know what these objects contain but they are using it i.e how to input a word in Assembly compared to C and then to VB.
From all above we can conclude that the higher level of abstraction "less details", the more development we have and by this way everything in the world become a template and any new template comes from an old one with felxibilty. Hence the creativity is to use it profissionally... .
However evey continous curve has a break point, High level of abstraction is going to be old-fashion; The world is moving to the nano technology, would be explained later, which would replace all concurrent technologies into anew way and style; it looks for absolute details in nano scale, the lowest level of abstraction they could get.DONE

Qoute" Not all what you believe is right"...