Wednesday, September 2, 2009


The world tends to be fictionable...
Tricorder, Claytronics, Nanorobots....
Will I have a hand on these???!

Friday, May 22, 2009

Programming Languages Generations "Programming Levels of Abstraction"

Programming Languages Generations "Programming Levels of Abstraction" 
  • 1GL: First Generation progrmmming Language which is about Machine Language and it is read directly by CPU and almost nobody programs with it.
  • 2GL: higher Level of Abstraction and contains the different types of Assembly languages which depends on the computer architecture.
  • 3GL:  more enhancement in the 2GL to be reusable and more user-friendly such as C, Fortran, Java.
  • 4GL: Domain-specific prgramming Language used for Rapid Application Development "Drag & Drop fashion, templates with customization", it is an umbrella term contains many languages such as LabView, Matlab, PL/SQL etc.; it concerns with these objectives Codeless,  Problem Solving and System Engineering.
  • 5GL: The highest level of abstraction which is based on the contraint programming rather than coding algorithms such as Prolog and Mercury.
What I can conclude is that, even if it seems the natural development of programming languages is to be a higher level of abstraction, I think the Highest generation will combine both lowest and highest level of abstraction together in a cyclic hybrid fashion not a finite timeline as may others thought. Therefore, if 6GL will be existed, it will concern about an application template that can be customized for acertain need in a domain and in the same time can be modified to achieve a puropse of another domain.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

The Lively Kernel

A new web technology that has alot of features of OOP and provide the scalability of desktop programs on a browser... this technology depends on javascript mostly

Monday, March 30, 2009

Java Modifiers

• Final class cannot be extended.
• Final method cannot be overridden.
• Final attribute
– must be initialized in class or constructor.
– once it is given a value, it cannot be changed.
– final object variable, it is the reference that cannot be changed not its value.
• Abstract class cannot be instantiated.
• Abstract method must be defined in abstract class, but abstract class may
contain non-abstract method.
• Abstract method cannot implement method body.
• Abstract never matches with final, only with protected and public.
• Local variable cannot be defined as static
• Static method cannot overridden non-static method and vice versa.
• Static methods are not allowed to use a non-static feature of their class, but not
vice versa.

Thursday, February 5, 2009


Embedded systems
OS and UNIX-like systems
filling the gab between levels of abstraction